I Blip for you

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Because the Night

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

Friday night I went to UCSB for a free Cascada show.

After spending the day in SB with my friends (try Lilly's near State St. for fantastic tacos) we headed over to Storke Plaza where the show was to take place. We got there a bit before 9 o'clock and the battle of the DJ's that was taking place before Cascada had already started. I was lucky enough to hear that they were playing Basshunter's DOTA as we arriving and since I adore that song I took it as a good sign.

The first DJ's were alright. They played a lot of popular songs, had a pretty good mix, transitioned pretty well and had some songs that were really fun. They danced a bit and since it wasn't too crowded it was fun. They did have some issues though, they played songs for far too long and even I know that when DJing you gotta switch it up often enough to keep the people interested. Especially at the end when they played all of Shout. I mean, yeah, it's a fun song but there are a dozen spots in the song where you should change it to another song. It was their last song so I suppose they thought it would be fun to go through the whole thing but honestly, epic fail. It kind of ruined them for me.

The second DJ was absolutely fantastic. I wish I knew who it was so that I could mention him by name but I never caught any of their names. He had a great mix, fun popular songs and even the songs that I didn't recognize were still easy to get into and easy to dance to. He had some absolutely brilliant transitions that made everything really smooth and with the little studying that I did on DJing I recognize as being pretty fricken hard to learn. Not only that, but the DJ was really fun. He'd get in front of the mixtables dance, get really into it, and time it perfectly to be back and switch the song. There was this one moment where he had his arms thrown out in time with a crescendo, the stage lights created a back light and he looked truly epic. (Actually looked like Jesus). Watching him up there reminded me how much I want to learn how to DJ and get a crowd going in such an amazing way.

After the second DJ, the third is nothing to rave about. The majority of song choices were trance which I feel only those on drugs really are able to get into. He also made the same mistake the first DJ's did in letting the songs go entirely too long. Plus, the dude had the bad luck of being the last DJ before Cascada. By the time he started all I wanted him to do was stop so that we could get to the awesomeness that is Eurodance. On top of all of this, by this time the place filled up with annoying drunk girls who made it impossible for me to either see or dance. Honestly people, if you choose to come late to a show, you no longer have the right to for chains of 15 people and push your way to the front. One of these days someone is just going to get sick of it and punch these girls in the face. I only hope I'm there to see it.

Finally, at 1030, after an hour and a half of DJ's, Cascada took the stage. First, her accent is adorable. My brother compared her to a chipmunk and while accurate makes her seem more annoying than she it. She's so cute. So despite my initial apprehensions, she sounded fantastic. Just as good as on the CD. I was seriously impressed. The crowds made it really hard for me to enjoy the first couple songs but halfway through my brother and I moved to a spot on these steps that were near the stage and not only could I see but I had enough room to dance. Which is a godsend at a show like that. It's just not the same if you can't go crazy. If there is anything I would complain, and did complain, about her set it was that it was entirely too short. I know it was a free show and that seeing her at all is fantastic, but really 30 min? That's all? That's half a set and I was really hoping for more. Nevertheless, great beats and an amazing voice made it a show to remember. She really is a great performer and played all her greatest songs. It was a lot of fun and given the opportunity I would definitely go, and pay, to another show. My sore throat after the show only proves that it's the kind of amazing show where you can just let go and have an absolute blast with your friends.

I almost forgot the best part of the show; she had the corniest introduction ever. I'm so glad that someone recorded it and put it on youtube.

Set list:
How Do You Do
Perfect Day
Because the Night
Everytime We Touch
What Hurts the Most

Friday, April 17, 2009


When music makes you feel happy to be alive, you’ve found something special. And I can honestly say that I have found that music. I hear a lot of talk about how there is no good music anymore, but any one who talks like that is fooling themselves. I don’t know how many of you have noticed that we’re in the middle of a resurgence of folk. And it is fantastic.

Paul (because I know he’ll want credit) recently introduced me to this site and the amazing music that this one person has been uploading. Specifically, The Tallest Man on Earth. His voice is astounding, and heart wrenchingly amazing. I’ll totally admit that one of his songs brought me close to tears, just because I fond it so pretty. I thought about keeping him a secret, not telling everyone I know about him. But I’m not a scenester and I can’t, nor do I want, to keep my mouth shut about this.

So, instead I’ve decided to share the music that I love in the most public way I can at this time. This is the music that I think everyone should listen to at least once. I personally think that these are some of the greatest examples of music ever and they make me so happy to be alive right at this moment in history.

Owen: I first heard Owen a few years ago when he was opening for Copeland. The first song I fell in love with is Bad News where he talks directly to a friend of his telling her “everything you think you are, you aren’t”. The song seems like an attack on the person until he sings “you don’t mean anything to anyone but me” and you realize how much he actually cares about this person. Listening to Owen sing is one of the most honest experiences you can have because it’s like listening to a person who is opening up their soul to only you. His music is absolutely beautiful and just creates the most bittersweet feelings. Songs to listen to: Bad News, Sad Waltzes of Pietro Crispi, Good Deeds

The Tallest Man on Earth: It’s almost like he shouldn’t be allowed to walk on this Earth. A voice like his just shouldn’t exist. But it does and it’s amazing in the very sense of the word. I already mentioned him earlier on so I don’t really want to go on about him but I will say this: If you listen to him and don’t love him, don’t let me know because I’ll never be able to comprehend it. Songs to listen to: Honestly, every song is perfect but I’ll narrow it down to The Gardner and This Wind

M. Ward: I heard one of his songs on the radio (YAY NPR) and immediately went home to find out what it was. He’s a little more rock than the previous two musicians I mentioned but he’s so cool. He has this fantastic rough voice despite not having the life style that you would normally attribute to a guy like this. His songs are a bit more fun, a bit more upbeat and oh yeah, Zooey Deschanel sings on a couple. His songs are fabulous, and the only way I can seem to describe them is…light. Listening to him sing, even his quieter more serious songs, just makes you feel content. And he does a great cover of Buddy Holly’s Rave On. Songs to listen to: Never Had Nobody Like You, Stars of Leo

Adele: As far as female vocalists go, she is by far my favorite. There is nothing better when driving than turning her music way up loud and belting out her tunes. She’s just the sweetest and her music is perfectly jazzy and her voice is unbelievably clear and powerful. Her cover of Bob Dylan’s Make You Feel My Love is one of the most touchingly romantic songs and I just adore her. I know that she’s already popular so there isn’t much need to go on and on about her. Songs to listen to: Daydreamer, Crazy for You

Beirut: I know that people seem to be divided over Beirut. They’re one of those bands that you either love or hate. I think they’re the best thing to come out of New Mexico. (I know that doesn’t mean much since it’s NM, but still, you get the point) Zach Condon has an almost hauntingly beautiful voice that seems too old for this twenty-something year old. But when combined with the music it’s not only one of the most original sounds I’ve heard, it’s really one of the best. No other band uses instrumentation like accordions as awesomely as Beirut. Their first CD sounds Eastern European and their other two EPs take from Mexican music and Holland’s electronic sound and do it without losing what makes Beirut fantastic. Songs to Listen to: Nantes, My Night With the Prostitute From Marseille

Wakey!Wakey!: This band got me through some kinda tough times. They are so incredibly fun and pretty and amazing. I already wrote about them here so check it out. I’m also fairly certain that they have all of 50 fans and so it would be great if they got some more because they deserve it. Songs to Listen To: Blame You, Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)

The Weepies: They may be the cutest thing in the world. A married couple that writes the sweetest songs? You bet. (I follow them on Twitter and they seem really cool, too) The songs are very simply arranged and just flow perfectly with their harmonization. You can’t help but feel happy when listening to this band and I don’t know if there is anything better to listen to before bed. Songs to listen to: Can’t Go Back Now, World Spins Madly On

Ray LaMontagne: I don’t think there is that many people who actually pay attention to good music that don’t know who he is, or at least I hope so. This man has one of the greatest voices ever. Deep and raspy, it’s one of those voices that bypasses the ears and goes straight to the gut. I have spent days on end listening to his songs and will never get sick of him. Just do yourself the favor and listen to him if you haven’t. He’s my favorite lumberjack. Songs to listen to: Trouble, Narrow Escape

Mark Lanegan and Isobel Campbell: While both are outstanding musicians in their own right, their collaborative CDs are really where I love them both. Isobel Campbell describes Lanegan’s voice as perfectly American and I couldn’t agree more. It’s a voice that belongs in the Wild West and really is just one of the most badass voices around. Isobel’s voice on the other hand is majestically ethereal and compliments Lanegan’s like no other. Between the two of them are some absolutely fantastic songs. Sweet and dark all at the same time, you can’t help but love the creation from this truly dynamic duo. Songs to listen to: Honey Child What Can I Do, Deus Ibi Est

HoneyHoney: This is one of the sassiest bands and I love it. Suzanne Santos and Ben Jaffe are so great together. Between her jazzy vocals and his fantastic lyrics, some of the most fun songs are created. It’s true, they’re not exactly folk, actually more bluegrass and jazz, but I’ve obviously diverted from that genre. Anyways, they have a varied repertoire of fantabulous songs. They’re the kind of band that I would kill to see like because you just know that they are fantastic performers as well as musicians. Songs to listen to: Thursday Night, Sugarcane

Joshua Radin: This is a really hard one for me to talk about. There is something, I don’t know what it is, about this man and his voice that I can barely deal with. Listening to him is like getting a shot of pure emotion. It’s the most achingly sweet thing I’ve listened to. There is so much in his music that there are times where I can’t even handle it. The guitar and simple instrumentation are great, but his words and his voice are just…wow. You know how some people just give perfect hugs? That’s his music. It’s the perfect hug that you never want to leave. Songs to listen to: They Bring Me to You, Free of Me

There are so many more bands that I would love to rave about, but honestly, I think not only am I tapped out at this point, I think I’m stretching the point that people will continue to read. If people are interested, I’ll write more because there is always more great music.
Honorable Mention (because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least mention them):

Fleet Foxes
Tiger Saw
Brett Dennen
Cold War Kids

I highly recommend that you check out each of these bands. And if you can, buy the music. But I’ll admit I’ve torrented most of them myself. Just please please tell people about this music. Because good music needs to be shared and great music—this music—needs to be preached.